Sign Subversion
©RVLTR 2020
I'll be the first to admit that I can write stuff that's serious and intense at times. Therefore, on Fridays I'll be featuring something more lighthearted, fun or creative, so we can all end the week on a high note. Have a great weekend!
Subversion doesn't always have to be obvious and the best kind is when it is so subtle that a distracted observer would not notice that a familiar object has been altered.
"It's a sign" is one of those. The kind of intervention that makes you smile if you notice it.
There's been a few in Toronto that I've seen around my neighbourhood, such as the neighbourhood watch signs hacker or the walking permitted signs that mimic the official parking ones (pictured above), but subtly encourage you to walk, because it's absolutely free, any time of the day.
Such a cheap and effective way to make the city a little less boring.