Putting your money where your mouth is

Bob Hoffman is an example of integrity. Not only he relentlessly calls out big tech businesses on their bad behaviour, but he also has the uncanny ability to be disarmingly transparent. In his latest newsletter (scroll down to the "Mea Culpa" section), he calls himself out in front of his audience for not being able to use a newsletter service that doesn't track the recipients of his newsletter.

While some, and that would certainly include me (at least up until now), would shrug at it and say "well there is nothing I can really do about it", Bob, being a man of integrity, invites his followers who may not like to be tracked, to unsubscribe.

I find this ballsy because it means integrity is more important to bob than the health of his business and shows us how to not cut corners, as a powerful way to maintain the hard-earned trust that he's built with his following.

That's a powerful message sent through his actions, not his words. I'm personally inspired to follow his lead.

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